Thursday, March 3, 2011

Williamson Valley Road – My Way or the Highway?

The controversy over widening Williamson Valley Road continues. One side argues for maintaining the scenic, historic, and rural value of the road by making only minor improvements to it. I admit that the amazing views make it hard to keep my eyes on the road and easy to agree with this viewpoint. But it’s a dangerous road in it’s current state.

From Outer Loop to Talking Rock Ranch the road is bumpy and winding, with
narrow-to-non-existent shoulders full of gravel, grass, and weeds. There are no guardrails to keep cars out of the deep culverts running alongside it. Trees and heavy brush prevent drivers from seeing animals before they cross the road, as happened recently when one of Talking Rock’s residents accidentally hit a large buck.

I’m in favor of making Williamson Valley Road safer by widening the shoulders and the lanes, adding a median lane, and creating turn and merge lanes for side roads. However, I am not in favor of making it a 5-lane “freeway.” Even though it is a complex problem to solve, the county should be able to engineer an improvement plan for Williamson Valley Road that would enhance its safety while preserving the scenic and rural character of the area.

For the meantime, the northern portion of the road will remain in bad shape because the County doesn’t have the money to renovate it. Instead, the County is looking at options for some type of maintenance plan, like the recent crack sealing project. (Frankly, the entire road surface needs repaving but that’s not going to happen anytime soon.)

Hopefully, the Williamson Valley Road issues will be resolved before we face an even bigger problem of dropping groundwater levels in Williamson Valley. But that’s a subject for another day.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What's Up with That?

How many of you haven't been able to take a WARM shower or bath in the past two days? I tried to take one last night (I think the temp was around 9 degrees) and got half a tub of tepid water. . . .So, what's the way to warm up the hot water with such frigid outside temps? Should I wrap a towel around the water heater pipes (one of our water heaters is located outside the house in a closet.) I know we seldom experience this level of cold but it sure would be great to have a nice, hot shower or bath regardless! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

I've been reading about the practice of blogging...........

I’ve been reading about the practice of blogging and found that motivations for blogging are as complex and varied as humankind itself. So, I decided to take a simpler, more “local” research approach and asked myself, “Why blog?” I came up with some answers.

Because I already have my own Facebook page that I frequently update with photos and comments, the question “Why Blog?” becomes a bit more, well, questionable. After all, I can post up-to-the-minute personal news and comments for anyone that I’ve “friended” on Facebook. However, therein lies a limitation of Facebook – only those you’ve “friended” can see your page.

So, I concluded that it makes sense to blog on The Talking Rock Wall because it’s my home base within the larger community of Talking Rock Ranch. Like the Talking Rock Wall website, the blog is a hub for TRR members. It's a space on the web that the members own and control. True, the GoDaddy server may go belly up from time to time, making The Talking Rock Wall inaccessible, but you’ll never have to wait two weeks to get it reinstated, like a Facebook account.

I hope members use this blog to create their own presence by having conversations, sharing info or ideas, even sending links that others might find useful or interesting. I think of the blog on The Wall as a way to share ideas from my “cerebral” outpost at Talking Rock Ranch.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Talk about how life can sidetrack the best intentions!

Talk about how life can sidetrack the best intentions! This week has been a stellar example of that - my intention being to provide some background and insight on the "sport" of blogging. Then, our son, Joe was in a car accident this week and everything changed. The amazing, miraculous news is that Joe will be fine - only a broken clavicle, nasty black eye and general soreness for him to recover from. Equally amazing and miraculous is the amount of safety that his Honda Civic (which was totaled) provided him during the crash. No way you can look at a photo of the car and then look at Joe and believe how few injuries he sustained compared to the car's damage. Credit Honda with their front, side, and roof airbags not to mention a strong frame and several other safety features all of which added up to a truly incredible amount of protection. By the way, I was able to find out that blogs are typically a type of "personal journal, often of a confessional sort." And, they've evolved to be a source of commentary, info, and knowledge. Suffice to say that my blog entry reflects all those things - my personal experience of Joe's car accident, information gained about Honda's safety, and knowledge (rather, wisdom) of how essential it is to put your teen driver in a safe car. Because, _ _ _ _ happens as we all know!
Now we're looking for a replacement car for Joe so any TRR member with a car to sell that is as safe (or even safer!) than a Civic, let me know! In the meantime, PLEASE be careful on Williamson Valley Road - it's always going to be a risky road to travel. Thanks for reading through my ramble!

It's a strange situation to be in

It's a strange situation to be in - being in the website development business but never having blogged at all. . . .I've certainly read blogs before but have never contributed to them, so this is my first foray and I hope it doesn't become too turgid but forgive me if it does.
I want to talk about why people do or don't blog. So, I decided to do a bit of Googling (research) and discovered a ton of articles and studies about this very topic. . . .So, my blog entry will have to wait until I actually find something to say about blogging. . . stay tuned, this could be interesting.

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the Talking Rock Wall blog where you can post your thoughts, opinions, musings. . . .